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Constipation in kids: Medications and home remedies

Jun 19, 2023Jun 19, 2023

A child may need treatment for constipation if their symptoms persist despite dietary changes. Laxatives, enemas, and some home remedies will help.

Constipation treatments aim to promote bowel movements. They may achieve this by improving digestive health, stimulating the intestines, or changing the consistency of stools so they are easier to pass.

This article outlines the different types of medications, home remedies, and complementary therapies that may help to treat constipation in children.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), constipation is a common problem in children, accounting for approximately 1 in 20 pediatric visits.

There are two main types of medication for treating constipation in children: laxatives and enemas. Both help promote or ease bowel movements.

The United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) notes that there are four main types of laxatives. They are:

An enema is a treatment that involves inserting a liquid solution directly into the rectum to help soften the stool and promote a bowel movement. Medical professionals may recommend enemas to help treat severe or persistent constipation.

Rectal sodium phosphate is a laxative that people use as an enema. It typically causes a bowel movement within 1–5 minutes and is suitable for children over 2 years of age.

The table below features some common brand-name laxatives alongside their generic name and laxative type.

Glycerin suppositories, such as Pedia-Lax glycerin suppositories, are also safe to use in infants and children. They are an osmotic laxative. However, they can cause rectal skin irritation.

Another treatment option is mineral oil. This is a type of lubricant laxative that is safe to use in children. However, it is not safe for infants, as it can cause lipoid pneumonia if it gets into the lungs, and infants may have difficulty swallowing it.

Stimulant laxatives are not recommended for infants.

People should only ever administer laxatives and enemas according to their doctor’s or pharmacist’s instructions.

Doing so helps ensure that a child is receiving an appropriate type and dose of medication according to their age and overall health status. This, in turn, helps reduce the risk of side effects and complications.

In some cases, constipation may be a sign of an underlying health condition that requires medical attention. A parent or caregiver should contact the child’s doctor if the child experiences any of the following:

Below are some home remedies that may help treat constipation in children:

A person should only use the above home remedies under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional.

Below are some complementary therapies that parents or caregivers may want to consider in addition to standard constipation treatments for children:

People should only ever use complementary therapies under the guidance of a doctor or other healthcare professional. Some therapies may cause side effects or may interact with certain medications or supplements.

It is also important that people do not use complementary therapies in place of prescription medications and treatments.

Constipation refers to difficulty passing stools or a reduction in the frequency of bowel movements. Constipation in children is a common problem, accounting for around 1 in 20 pediatric visits.

There are two main medical treatments for constipation in children: laxatives and enemas. Parents and caregivers should only ever administer these treatments according to a doctor’s instructions. Additional treatment options to consider include dietary changes, probiotic supplements, and regular exercise.

In some cases, constipation can indicate an underlying condition that requires medical attention. Parents and caregivers should notify their child’s doctor if the child experiences severe or persistent constipation or additional symptoms, such as abdominal pain, bloating, or blood in the stool.

Osmotic laxatives:Stool softeners:Bulk-forming laxatives:Stimulant laxatives:Brand nameGeneric nameLaxative typeIncreasing water intake:Increasing fiber intake:Exercising:Massaging the abdomen:Establishing a toilet routine:Drinking prune juice:Consuming psyllium husk:Probiotics:Massage therapy:Herbal remedies: Chiropractic care: